Monday, May 3, 2010

April 3rd E-mail

Well this week was awesome. One awesome experience that we had was on Sunday in testimony meeting. It was a 2 hour long testimony meeting because it was the last Sunday before the students all leave. We had 4 of our investigators there and only 1 of them isn't on-date for baptism and he is the one that is leaving. His name is Ben Paholke. Ben got up during testimony meeting and he talked about how this group of latter-day saints that he has met while he has been coming to the institute are the finest group of people he has ever met in his life and how he isn't a member of the church yet but that he is doing everything that he can to come to the same conclusion as the rest of us! It was awesome he talked about the power of prayer and how he received answers to his prayers and he credits it to the opportunity that he has had at the institute.. It was awesome. Well about 30 minutes later in the meeting he got up again! And he said this is my last time up here i promise. But i did want to let you guys know that i always thought of Jesus Christ as just a figure in my life but today as i have sat here and listened to the testimonies of all of you i now know that Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Savior! It was awesome! He has really grown so much! I wish he wasn't leaving! I will have to pretty much just take it upon myself to stay in touch with him when i go home.. So that we don't lose him and so that he doesn't forget those awesome experiences that he has had while he has been here.

Well i love you guys! Thanks for everything! Talk to ya on Sunday! woot! oh and by the way I think i will be calling somewhere between 3:30 and 4:30 here which is 4:30-5:30 there... So hopefully dad can hurry it up at church. I don't know what time you guys are getting out of church i sure hope that church isn't 1-4 but if it is.. its still true :D Well I love you guys! Take care. Talk to you soon.
Elder Penman

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