Whats up?!?! It is great to hear from you guys! You are both so amazing! I can tell that you have both grown a ton spiritually right there along with me! Mom
isn't it great to have the spirit with you every day because you are reading your scriptures?!?! And dad! Holy cow that was such a neat experience! I know that the prophet
Joseph smith was such an amazing man! I look up to his example so much! Talk about being tried for everything that you believe in and sticking to what you know is true! My testimony grew so much as I watched conference too! Mom I am glad that you had the opportunity to speak in sacrament! I hope (since it was on me) that it went well!
lol Well then again
that's pretty much fail proof :D! It's so great to hear that you are both doing so well! I can just feel both of your testimonies in your letters and your excitement towards the gospel! You will make such great missionaries! I love you guys!
I did get to see
Shannon's parents!
lol I was riding up a pretty dang good hill in my area and I was like
Shannon told me that they were going to be in a white A
ltima... granted I
didn't think I would see them but I was like well I might as well look for it anyways. Well I get half way up the hill and sure enough there they are! Honking and waving!
lol I told em to pull over and it was awesome to see them! I might have gotten a little taller
lol you never know!
I'm still not growing much facial hair... I shave like every other day but really I only need to shave like every third day :D So I probably am still going to grow while
I'm out here... (well i hope so) But thank you so much for the package! That was awesome! I love having my slippers! :D They are nice! And holy cow grandma knows me too well!
lol Such good treats! I am going to gain 10 pounds this
lol! Well
prolly not since we are on bikes most of the time. Luckily the weather
hasn't been too bad. Granted its below freezing in the mornings. But it
hasn't snowed or anything so I just wear this super sexy vest under my suit jacket and
I'm fine!
Mom sister
brough told me that you said you love me and your proud of me
lol! It was cute. I saw her at church and she comes right up to me and says your mother said for me to tell you....
lol She is such a wonderful lady! Holy cow she will do just about anything for us! She is one of the best cooks too! Oh my! So we started teaching a Catholic family of 6!!! The parents are awesome! They are sincere about reading the
BoM and we have a return appointment with them to teach them the plan of s
alvation. The dad has been praying to have a open heart and mind to the whole thing and he asked us what chapters in the
BoM could he read to prep him for next time! They are just amazing I am way excited about them! The mom asked for both of our addresses so she can send us
Christmas cards
lol!So she will probably send one and if she does just forward it to me. :D They are just way nice! Their little 6 year old girl
Christina came up to me the second time I ever talked to them and gave me a hug
lol! We are being blessed in this area! So thank you for all of your prayers! Please continue to pray for my gators! Here is the basic list.. Tessa & Jacob(young unmarried couple)... Dennis & Michelle(Catholic family of 6).. Jeremiah & Becky(another unmarried couple that we just started teaching).. Richard Powell(guy at the hospital that was on-date) who is now walking!!! Last time we were there he got up out of his chair and just started walking around!!!
lol It was nuts.. and
Kent Schneider. These are the main ones and there are many others. Great things are about to happen with all of them! I am very excited! I love you guys so much!
One other thing that I might want for
Christmas and I
don't care who gets it for me is a
beanie with an
argyle pattern on it :D I think that would look sweet! So see what you can do :D Thanks so much for everything! Just remember the there is only ONE way for happiness and fulfillment in life and that way is through
Jesus Christ! As we do all that he has asked of us we will be happy! I know this to be true! So when times get rough just evaluate yourself and ask if you are doing all that you can.. I promise you that as we do the little things.. it will lead to great rewards! I love you guys so much! Thanks for everything and I hope this week goes well for you! Take care!
Elder Penman