Back to work for 3 days and already faking sick???? lol! jk! I completely understand. So how is your knee mom? I hope it is doing better! Just keep on pushing through it! We woke up to a wonderful snow storm today! It was awesome then I started pelting Elder Allred with snowballs and now he is all bent out of shape... lol poor California boy. But hey it's ok :D Well the Sumans are doing great and they are on their way! Their date is still the 21st so we are pretty dang excited! It's so fun to teach them! The one boy who is a member (Toni) is 10 years old and he asks hilarious questions all the time.. it's so funny! I don't even remember an example but they are just really long and drawn out and sophisticated... it's funny. One of the boys that is getting baptized is Logan and he is 10 and I introduced a scripture and said now keep that in mind as we read this scripture and he goes OH ill keep it in mind for sure! It's just way fun! and Jordan the 12 year old he prayed "and bless us that next time we can have an awesome lesson like today's lesson... even though I already know that it will be." lol! I will get pictures with them! I'm probably going to buy another card for my camera cause the one I have is full... so I need to send
it home.. so I will send it soon. Well I went on an exchange with the Zl's and I went up to Pullman
for a day.. and it's so stinkin fun up there! WSU is a fun place to be! Especially on a Friday night LOL!! Thats all I will say about that lol! But it was good to get away for a day! Well other than that this week was pretty good! We did a LOT of tracting... but we have no choice! Our work is dwindling in unbelief! But thank you so much for everything! Thank grandma and grandma & grandpa and Janet & Dave and everyone! I will write them eventually but for now tell them thanks! I have the best family in the world! :) Well I love you guys! Take care! Send me pics! Elder Penman