Whats happening?!?! Well Wednesday night is the night! Brian Abbott is getting dunked! woot! I am so excited! Oh and by the way transfers are coming up next week so i will find out Saturday where,if anywhere, i am going. So i am just glad that no matter what happens I was able to get a baptism with my greenie! Which is always nice to start off with a baptism with your trainer! But Brian is solid. He is a way cool guy. And he is going to teach me how to wake board after the mish... We also started teaching the lady, Debbie Haynes, who is a less-active Jehovah Witness. And she is really searching for something! We had a very powerful lesson with her as we were able to answer a lot of her questions by reading from different passages out of the BoM. There spirit was so strong! The way we found her was through her son who joined the church about 2 and a half years ago. But she told us at the end of the lesson that she was going to cancel on us today but that she decided to go ahead and meet with us. Then she said that she is not only glad that she didn't cancel but that she is way excited to meet with us again! So that was pretty comforting! A few interesting beliefs that they have though. They believe that Jehovah is God the Father. Hence their name.. and so that has led to some very interesting studies for me! And i have found many scriptures that link the old testament(Jehovah) with the new testament(Jesus Christ) like Isaiah 43: 3,11 and Luke 2:11, Deuteronomy 32: 2-4 and 1 Corinthians 10: 1-4, Exodus 3:14 and John 8:54-58, and even John 5:22 and (BoM)Moroni 10:34. (by the way that was all off the top of my head so if they are a little off just run with it :D) (although i think those are right) but something that is my favorite is that in John 8:58 when he references "I Am" it could still be up in there air about well how do you know that he was referring to the same thing as in exodus. Well the way we know that he used the name of Jehovah by saying what is in our English versions as "I Am" is that in verse 59 of John 8 we read that they were going to stone him after he said that well the reason that they were going to stone him is found in Leviticus 24:26 where it is given in Jewish law never to utter the name of the Lord for it is deemed Blasphemies and if one is caught doing so he should be stoned to death. So therefore we know that the reference in verse 58 is refering to Jehovah otherwise they wouldn't have tried to stone him to death! In fact the Name of the Lord was only uttered once a year by the high priest as he entered into the holy of holies! Pretty dang cool eh? yep believe it or not i am learning something :D In fact i have had some absolutely amazing studies this week! Its just been awesome! I love the scriptures! They definitely are the words of God! There is so much for us to learn in there! So in a very manly sense we all just got done doing some YOGA! before we came to email! LOL! there is a lady in the ward who is a yoga instructor and well she offered us some free lessons! and we took her up on it and its freaking awesome! oh and by the way i got some videos of me doing some way sweet dunks! So I will have to put the on a C.D. and send em home for proof! lol :D ! Oh and by the way I ate a Habenero last night! woot! Those babies are pretty warm! lol! But everything is going pretty well! So i love you guys! Thanks for everything! Take care! Love ya!
Elder Penman